Garry McCartney

Extract of Garry McCartney’s account in Voices from the Spanish Civil War (Living Memory) by Ian MacDougall

Garry McCartney was an apprentice Blacksmith and took part in the General Strike of 1926. He arrived in Spain after crossing the Pyrenees in July 1937. He was a POW at San Pedro de Cardena and was was repratriated on the 19th of February 1939. He is pictured here (far left) in the 1980’s with fellow surviving members of the International Brigade: Syd Quinn, Annie Murray, Donald Renton. This interview is an extract fromĀ  ‘Voices from the Spanish Civil War’ a publication by Ian MacDougall, which tells the verbatim accounts of Scottish members of the International Brigades. These are the real words of Garry performed by an actor.